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Friday, February 11, 2011

The 10 Essential Qualities of a Successfull Internet Marketer

 A successfull Internet Marketer knows exactly his goals and is focused on attaining them:
Hence, by having clearly defined his objectives, a succesfull Internet Marketer is armed and ready to attain them. This way, he will not get distracted and give in all those hyped salesletters promising a get rich quick scam. It is a known fact that :"If you don't know where you are going, you will end-up somewhere else!"
Action: Take a moment NOW to honestly question yourself if your goals are crystal clear and attainable.
2) A successfull Internet Marketer is commited to his success:
Yes! People who made it big in their business (whether on or offline) were ready to put in the effort needed. If you believe that you will become a millionaire by putting in an hour a day, you will just keep buying those " get rich fast gimmicks" and will waste your money.
Action: Ask yourself if you are commited to your online success and if you are willing to do the necessary sacrifices it will need in the beginning.
3) A successfull Internet Marketer believes in his success:
The reality is actually way more powerful than this: "For a successfull Internet Marketer, failiure is not an option!"
Does this mean that everything runs smoothly and perfectly the first time around for those successfull persons? Not at all! Most (if not all) Internet Millionaires encountered multiple set-backs. Their strength comes from the fact that they took these set-backs merely as challenges and got more motivated from them. If you experience doubts at time while pursuing your Web career, allow yourself to be inspired by Thomas Edison who made over a thousand attempts in designing the light bulb. When asked if he ever got discouraged by all those repeated failiures, he simply answered, smiling: " I did not fail, I just discovered a thousand ways that did not work!" Now, that's a winning attitude.
It all comes back to having the proper mind set.
Action: Honestly evaluate if you truely believe in yourself and your success. Are you putting-up excuses? Do you often catch yourself downtalking about your own goals?
4) A successfull Internet Marketer honestly cares about his customers:
This one may come as a shocker. It is true though that successfull marketers are in business because they care about making a difference and helping their customers.A person may make a good sum of money while selling a low quality service or product once. On the long run though, the customers can see through this person's facade and recurring income is not going to be at the "rendez-vous".
Action: Examine your profond motives in wanting to do Internet Marketing. Are you just "trying" this to get out of a job you do not like? Is helping other people through the products and services you are providing a genuine goal for you?
5) A successfull Internet Marketer is persistent:
It is pure utopia to think that everything will run smoothly and perfectly the first time around. Successfull people are persistent people. Success does not come from never falling, it comes from falling and getting back-up successfully. Furthermore, great achievers have the ability to change failiures into learning and creating opportunities. Most great inventions are the results of a need that created a frustration and then triggerred a solution.
Action: Consider how you react when faced with a negative result. Do you crumble down? Do you react vividly saying: "This time, it's personal!"
I like the image of Sylvester Stallone in the movie Rocky 1 during his fight with Apollo Creed. The more punches he got, the faster he got back up. Ask yourself if challenges are putting you down or, on the opposite, motivating you beyond your wildest dreams.
6) A successfull Internet Marketer is a good listener:
Upon creating a strong marketing plan, a successfull marketer will consider the needs of his potential customers. He will not assume what their needs are, he will ask the right questions and sincerely listen. A common mistake that new marketers do is provide customers what they think the market needs. One can greatly "bum" in a business in providing a product/service that nobody really wants.
Action: Do an objective research on what your target market wants. Are you on the right track or do you need to change your perspective?
7) A successfull Internet Marketer is hard working and efficient:
I am sorry to be the one bringing you the bad news but building a highly successfull businness that pays well requires hard work, at least in the beginning. The good news is that if you possess the first six qualities of a successfull Internet Marketer, creating your empire will actually be a fun journey! Most very successfull Internet Millionaires keep working although they do not need to just because they enjoy doing so. I know I will...
Action: Ask yourself if you are commited in providing the necessary effort to create a very successfull business. Do you tend to procrastinate and are an artist at creating excuses for not getting the job done? If you honestly feel you sometimes lack the strength to finish what you start, do not despair, there is help.
8) A succesfull Internet Marketer is accountable for his results:
As much as Internet Millionaires are responsible for their great success, as much they take blame and then action for their failiures. When something goes wrong, they do not blame other people or circumstances for the results. Right away, they sit back, analyse and learn from the situation and change whatever needs to be correted.
Action: Honestly analyse how you react when faced with a non-optimal result. Do you blame others? Are you 100% accountable for the results you bring in? If not, how can you manage your business so that your success are the direct results of your actions?
9) A successfull Internet Marketer constantly renews his business:
Let's face it what was hot yesterday will be common today and outdated tomorrow. A sucessfull Internet Marketer keeps up to date on the current trends and adapts to the ever changing needs of its clients.
Action: Do you know what your market needs and wants? Ask yourself if you are offering a product that is still popular and in demand TODAY?
10) A successfull Internet Marketer knows how to leverage the strength of other successfull Internet Marketers:
One cannot do everything alone. Most, if not all, successfull Internet Marketers have learned to use the power of joining their force with others. Furthermore, a successfull Internet Marketer doesn't try to re-invent the wheel. While creating a successfull Internet empire, the busy marketer leverages and uses what others have already created to make work easier and more proficient. A sucessfull Internet Marketer knows and uses the power of joint venturing with other great internet marketers.
Action: Are you slaving alone at your computer trying to figure out the system? What can you do to successully leverage what other people have created while doing business on the Web?
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor, a certified hypnotherapist and an internet marketer. She is the author of many very powerful hypnosis programs for best mental and physical health. Go to her main web site at http://www.drnathaliefiset.com to have access to her many resortfull web sites. Here hypnosis and marketing products have helped numerous people achieving their full potential. To benefit from her powerful tools, go tohttp://www.joinmeatthetop.com and subscribe to her valuable newsletter atjoinmeathetop@aweber.com.

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